October 25, 2011

Summary Post C4T #3

1.) I was assigned to read Ms. Liz B. Davis blog post "The power of educational technology"

The article is based on one school in one town in Arizona, hardly a statistically significant sample. The only reason given for the failure of technology is a lack of increase in test scores in a district that already had high test scores. Finally, there was no test comparing the technology skills of students in this school to any other school in the state.

I enjoyed reading Ms. Davis's article. I agree with her reasoning of the article. I too disagree, I believe that technology is great! It should be should in schools and just because one school in a small town did not see a difference, this should not affect other schools thinking about technology. Children these days are growing up in a world that is full of technology. Technology is a great source for learning.

2.) I was assigned to read Ms. Liz B. Davis blog post "Marching Backward into the Future"

I have really enjoyed reading Ms. Davis's blog post. I enjoy reading articles about technology. Technology is our future. I like how she talked about how when she first started teaching she could not imagine iPads or Kindles. Until I got to South I had never had a smart board in the classroom and it wasn't until emd310 that I actually used one. There has been so many new types of technology come out just in the past decade. I liked how she said "everything we look at is shaped by our experiences." I have never thought about it that way.

“We look at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards into the future.”
(Liz B. Davis)


  1. Good job Mallory,

    You have some good comments to your teacher. Did your teacher respond back to you?
